Deniz Boysan
2 min readJun 14, 2021
Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

I’m just mad all the time and it’s not hard to see why.
Every night an anxious flurry wakes me from a dreamless sleep.
Trading the void and nothingness for a surge of electricity.
Straight into my brain and prying my eyes open my mind’s racing.
With every possibility and everything gone wrong.
I guess that’s just the way it is. Things don’t seem to change.

I wanted it to be better, I tried real hard.
Talked to professionals and they seem to know why
But still they can’t really do nothing about it. Shit they do
Ends up on a desk and forgotten.
Forget about it, this is how it’s gonna be.

Breaks my heart when she's bustin’ her ass for worthless bosses.
And I’m straight chillin unable to check off boxes.
She’s sweet and tells me babe it’s okay I know you’re trying
But it doesn’t matter to hear it, it’s more true when I feel it.
Getting used to it now just a pit in my stomach
Hey, I guess that’s just what it’s gotta be.

Days I work I can bang out script and it feels real good.
Satisfaction, accomplishment, energy that inspires.
But it’s gone as soon as it comes, a tide that ruptures my flow.
Can’t stop not old enough to call it quits.
Still gotta represent the people around me.
Failing now makes them suckers for trustin’ me.
Now I have to make sure they’re not rushin’ me.

Managed a few words last week, mom it felt good.
Inspiration that moves me goes through me,
Can’t catch lightning in a bottle, not even a spark for the ride.
So I’m back to chillin, just tryin my best.
I wanna stay happy so I ain’t a drag on the rest.

I may never work again, who knows?
Can’t focus on shit unless it’s prose,
Even then it comes and goes, who knows?
I’ll try again another day, but for now I’m gonna play.
This is just how it’s gonna be.



Deniz Boysan

Writer. Former marketing professional. Some political consulting. Housing advocacy. Please vote.